Work in Schools

Restorative practices to transform the culture of schools by building, strengthening, and repairing relationships.


Workshops & Trainings for Educators & Youth

Customizable workshops that introduce restorative practices into your learning community.

Whole School Implementation

A holistic offering that addresses the entire school system and promotes:

  • Staff wellbeing and retention

  • A greater sense of belonging for all

  • Improved social and emotional skills among youth

  • Lower suspension rates

This work in schools is a collaboration between Abby Karos and Chuck Daly. Through our work together, you’ll learn how schools can become places of belonging—where fear and coercion yield to connection and love.

These prompts for reflection form the basis for our work in schools and other institutions:

  • How would you describe the relational climate in your school or workplace?

  • How are emotional needs addressed in your environment—especially challenging emotions?

  • How can you improve your relational practices if these issues are not discussed openly?

  • How can restorative practices be implemented to strengthen existing relationships in your school or workplace?

"Working with Chuck and Abby has helped to knit our school community closer together.”

— Debbie Picard, Directrice/Principal

Meet Your Facilitators

Abby Karos

Chuck Daly


Improved School Climate and Reduced Disciplinary Issues: A study by the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) found that schools implementing restorative practices, including peer mediation, experienced significant reductions in suspensions, expulsions, and disciplinary referrals.

Enhanced Social and Emotional Skills: Research published in the Journal of School Psychology indicated that students trained in peer mediation exhibited improved conflict resolution skills, greater empathy, and enhanced communication abilities, contributing to a more positive school environment.

Academic Benefits: A report by the WestEd Justice & Prevention Research Center showed that schools using restorative practices saw improvements in student attendance and academic performance, suggesting that a supportive and inclusive school climate positively impacts students' academic engagement and success.

Long-Term Impact: The RAND Corporation conducted a study that found that restorative justice practices in schools led to long-term benefits such as reduced recidivism rates among students, better peer relationships, and increased civic engagement as students carried these skills into adulthood.