Workshops & Trainings


Restorative classroom practices to empower teachers and school leadership

These 2-hour, customizable workshops introduce restorative practices into your learning community.

Contact us to learn more and customize our offerings to your needs.

Effective Use of Circles

A regular circle practice in classrooms improves relationships, increases satisfaction for everyone— teachers and students alike— and contributes to a more positive and productive learning environment. In this session, we cover both circle basics for beginners and more nuanced practices for those who have been implementing circles in their classrooms. We explore connection and curriculum circles, as well as circles to help navigate change.

Asking the Right Questions

Asking “the right questions” helps us become more heart-centered so we can successfully build, maintain, and repair relationships. This session addresses the human need to feel valued and understood. Staff will leave with an explicit relational practice that focuses on relationships, including a list of which questions to ask and why they matter.

Restorative Justice & Non-Coercive Classrooms

Doing a deep dive into your Why serves as a guidepost for all your interactions. How can your work have the greatest impact where it matters most? And how can you do more of it? When you know your Why, you become clearer and more effective—in both your relational and teaching practice. You’re able to plan and deliver, walking in and towards your purpose. Research consistently demonstrates that individuals who know their Why experience higher levels of well-being and life satisfaction. 

Exploring Your Why

Restorative justice is a powerful tool for repairing harm, reducing conflict, and restoring relationships. Relationally strong educators experience greater joy and efficacy in their teaching practice. In this session, staff will understand how to create safe spaces for conversations that deepen relationships while building stronger, more connected classrooms and communities.

 “A positive teaching and learning experience is largely determined by the quality of relationships among all members of the school community, in which high levels of expectations accompany high levels of support.”

— Berkowitz, 2018


Valuable skills to empower young people

This half-day training + two follow-up lunchtime supports provide young people with essential skills to help them navigate our climate of increasing disconnection and polarization.

Contact us to learn more and customize our offerings to your needs.

Restorative Justice Peer Mediation Training 

This workshop teaches skills that foster a positive school climate by reducing conflicts and enhancing relationships among students.

It equips them with tools to successfully navigate conflict resolution, communication, and leadership opportunities—leading to improved academic performance and reduced disciplinary issues. 

Students learn to:

  • Build community 

  • Repair relationships 

  • Foster accountability

  • Dialog across differences

“In this way, justice is not a noun, but a verb, an action that recognizes people as humans to be honored rather than objects to be controlled.”

— Buber, 1958; Freire, 2005

Meet Your Facilitators

Abby Karos

Chuck Daly